Sangameshwar college being leading in Solapur city, apart from education, it provides ample facilities to the students. Contribution by each and everyone makes it possible to achieve victory in various fields. It may be academics, sports, cultural activities, NSS ,NCC, etc. Also there are various cells and clubs in our college and one from them is the “Sangameshwar Trekking Club”. It is initiated by Dr.Prof.Shivaji Maske (Geography department) in 2020.. The motive of this club is to keep the health of stakeholders intact, as well as explore the glorious forts of our state.Till now we have completed trekking Vasota, Ratangarh & Tikona fort and this time it was Visapur, Lohagarh, Bhaje caves, Karla Caves & Ekvira temple on the list! It was 10th Feb that we got the notice for this trek and within no time all enthusiastic trekkers grabbed their seats and the ball started rolling. We got proper preparatory instructions and following the same we hit the road by 9:30 p....